Punctuality and regularity in attendance, proper dress, an earnest effort in class and home work assignments and proper behavior in and outside school are always insisted on. Hence, hands in pockets, slouching gait, untidiness, unclean uniforms etc. are considered unbecoming.

  • English is the medium of instruction. Hence, students are expected to speak English at all times.
  • Students are not permitted to engage any of the school teachers for private tuition without the written permission of the Principal.
  • The school is not responsible for goods lost. Therefore, it is not advisable to bring valuable articles such as expensive watches, pens, gold ornaments, excess amount of money etc. to school.
  • Students are strictly warned against carrying or using mobile phones in the campus. Any violation of this rule will result in the authorities confiscating the same. Carrying any material that are visual or in literature form other than that of educational need is strictly forbidden.
  • When spoken to by elders or teachers, pupils are always expected to stand to attention and not lounge with their hands in their pockets.
  • Students who come to school in the care of anyone such as domestic workers, drivers, etc. are not to leave the campus on their own. In case of any delay, they should report to the school office.
  • Students are not expected to loiter around once the school is over. They are also cautioned against buying anything, especially eatables, from street vendors.
  • Maximum precaution will be taken for the safety of every child. However, the school authorities will not be responsible for any unavoidable accidents in or outside the school.
  • Parents must be strict regarding their daughters returning home from school immediately after school hours. Any problem in this connection must be reported to the Principal immediately.
  • No nail polish, long nails, dirty nails, mehandi or tattoos are allowed.
  • No flowers or ornaments should be worn. Short hair must be pinned neatly. Long hair must be plaited or tied neatly with blue hair bands or blue ribbon.
  • Fireworks are not allowed inside the campus.
  • Students are permitted to stay back after school hours, only, if they are involved in sports and games, extra-curricular activities or remedial classes.
  • The management reserves the right to dismiss students who fail to make satisfactory academic progress in their studies or whose conduct is in any way detrimental to the good order and discipline of the school.
  • Students are not allowed to leave the school premises during class hours without the gate pass duly signed by the appropriate authority.
  • Damage to school property, however small, will not be condoned. Stringent disciplinary measures will be taken against such offenders. The parents will have to bear the expense of the damaged property.
  • Pupils must stand up smartly and greet teachers who enter the class room. They must also stand up when the teacher leave the class room. They must respectfully greet all the staff of the school, whenever they meet them inside or outside the school.
  • Ragging in any form is strictly forbidden. Anyone who indulges in ragging will be expelled from the school.
  • Students who are guilty of rude language towards the staff of the school, assault or attempt to assault the staff or fellow students of the school are liable to be expelled from the Institution.
  • The Principal or other constituted school authorities may frame and issue from time to time disciplinary rules of a permanent or temporary character regulating the conduct in and outside the school that seem necessary to maintain the credit, usefulness and reputation of the school.


Middle School Investiture Ceremony

Leaders are not born but are made by their experiences in life.
The Middle School Investiture Ceremony of St Patrick's Academy, Bengaluru was held on 6th July, 2024 with great enthusiasm and dignity at the Delany Hall. The ceremony was presided over by the distinguished chief guest Dr.Fr. John Varghese Thekkekara, the Associate Director of St. John's Medical College Hospital, Bangalore, the superior of the school community Rev. Bro. Sylvanus, the Principal Rev. Bro. O.J Joseph, Rev. Bro.Berchmans, Rev. Bro. Jose, Rev. Bro. Soloman and Rev. Bro. George. The ceremony commenced with a solemn invocation, followed by the lighting of the lamp ceremony, setting a respectful and inspiring tone for the proceedings.
The newly elected members of classes II and VII were smartly dressed in their uniforms, marched to the stage with pride and confidence. Each member was presented with their badge, symbolizing their role and duties. The school head boy and head girl, along with other council members, took the oath of office, pledging to uphold the values and principles of the institution.
The investiture ceremony was a memorable occasion, instilling a sense of purpose and motivation in the newly elected leaders, preparing them to take on their responsibilities with dedication and enthusiasm.

Senior School Investiture Ceremony

An Investiture ceremony is a significant event that showcases the essence of leadership and responsibility. It is an occasion where deserving individuals are honoured and entrusted with the authority to lead and represent their respective roles.
On the 29th of June, 2024, the leadership responsibilities were passed on to the students of 11th and 12th, the fresh batch of 2024-25. To join us in this prestigious occasion, our Chief Guest Dr. Ramesh Kumar (IFS), Conservator of Forests (Project Tiger, Mysuru), in-charge for all the 5 Tiger Reserves of Karnataka, along with the Brothers and Novices, stepped into our ornate Delany Hall. A melodious prayer song sung by the school choir marked the start of the ceremony, followed by the lighting of the lamp, a captivating welcome dance and a welcome speech.
The Chief Guest presented badges to the Head Boy and the Head Girl, followed by the Head Prefects, the Sport Captains, the Captains and the Vice-captains of the four houses, Cultural and the Editorial committee after which the parents presented their elected wards with sashes, creating a proud and memorable moment for all. Subsequently, the NCC Cadets marched onto the stage in their crisp uniforms and ceremonials, presenting a disciplined and professional appearance.
An energetic and mesmerising dance performance by the senior boys and girls of our school marked the celebrations of the newly elected leaders, adding up to the festive atmosphere. To conclude this blessed occasion, the Head Boy, Melvin Saji, and the Head Girl, Catherine Rose, conveyed the vote of thanks to all present.

ICSE Class X Results 2023-24 - Science

Congratulations to our 8th batch of ICSE Science Patricians for scoring 100% results consecutively and making us proud.

1st Place:
Gunamay Dawar (98.6%)
Keerthana Rajesh Babu (98.6%)

2nd Place:
Preena Elz M.Joseph (98.2%)

3rd Place:
Carolyn Mary E (98%)

It's a moment of great excitement and pride that St. Patrick's Academy has yielded an excellent result in 2023–24 ICSE and ISC examination. Two tenth graders (ICSE) had scored 98.6% and another two secured 98.2% and 98%, as second and third respectively. Besides, it is noteworthy to mention that 47 students scored 100 out of 100 in various subjects.
In the commerce stream, the first position is 95.8%.
In ISC result, the highest percentage is 97.25%, followed by 95.75, and 93.75% as second and third respectively.