Prime importance is given to building a sound character in students.

The co-operation of all parents is expected in ensuring the students regular and punctual attendance, good general behavior and execution of home work.

Parents should inspect the student’s school diary regularly.

Parents/Guardians must sign the Progress Report of their wards.

Change of address of parent or guardian must be intimated to the school office in writing without delay, failing which the school will not be responsible for non-receipt of communication addressed to the parents or guardian.

Parents are welcome to visit the school. However, they are requested not to enter the classrooms during school hours without first consulting the Principal. Complaints, if any, should be made only to the Principal and not to the teacher.

  • Parents should note that occasional reports from teachers are made in the School Diary/ online message system and they are requested to sign them / respond to them.
  • Parents are required to sign the P.T.M. register and any other similar document relating to their children when requested.
  • Absence from school even for a day must be noted in the “Student’s Leave Application Form” given in the School Diary. If absence lasts for more than three days the application for leave must be made to the respective Coordinator accompanied by relevant certification of the same.
  • If a child has an infectious disease parents should keep the child at home till he/she recovers. A Medical Certificate and a Fitness Certificate must be submitted on his/her return.
  • Students who are away from school for five consecutive days without permission, may have their names removed from the register, and will be re-admitted only if there is a vacancy and on payment of the admission fee. In all cases of leave of absence, prior permission from the Principal should be obtained, except in cases of unforeseen circumstances, for which an authenticated reason should be furnished by the parent or guardian. However, granting of leave is entirely up to the discretion of the Principal.
  • Long leave from school for marriages, vacation, family functions will be sanctioned only by the Principal. Leave from School must not be prefixed or suffixed to school holidays, that is: Summer & Winter holidays. If not appropriate action will be taken.
  • Parents are welcome to visit the school and meet the teachers during school hours with the prior permission of the Principal or Coordinators and on Parent Interaction Days. Complaints relating to academics, if any, may be made either to the Coordinator or teachers.
  • Parents/guardians should bring the ID card to collect the child from the school
  • Children will not be sent with any relative/uncle/aunt/cousins/neighbors etc. without written application/authorization letter from the parents.
  • Should parents wish to meet a teacher, they must seek prior written appointment on the proforma given in the school diary. On the day specified by the teacher for the appointment, the parents should bring the school diary with them. On the day of the meeting it is imperative to present the proforma at the school gate.
  • Parents of Junior School students can meet teachers on the working Saturday of the month and parent interaction days as specified in the academic planner of the school diary.
  • The observance of rules of discipline of the school and good behaviour is an essential condition to a student’s continuance in the school. In case a student violates the school rules or indulges in any form of indiscipline, strict action like expulsion/ suspension/ rustication shall be taken against the student.
  • Students are strictly forbidden to bring or burst crackers in the school or to introduce objectionable literature and other such material into the School. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against the student found doing so.
  • Mobile Phones, cameras and all other electronic items are totally banned in school. If confiscated they will not be returned. No appeal for their return will be entertained.
  • Fine of any kind or collection or sale for any purpose whatsoever requires the prior sanction of the Principal.
  • Gifts to members of the staff or other demonstrations in their honour also require the Principal’s prior sanction.
  • Celebration of birthday parties in school and ‘continuation’ parties are not permitted.


  • Change in the address or telephone number of parents or guardians must be intimated to the school in writing and without delay. When communicating with the Principal, parents are requested to mention in their letter the Class, Section and Student No. of their child / children.
  • Certain festivals e.g. Id are subject to sighting of the moon. As such, parents are requested to check the Doordarshan News for announcements. Sometimes an unexpected holiday may be declared. Please check the school website.
  • Whenever excursions and picnics are organized by the school, maximum participation by students is expected. All outings are under the supervision of school staff.
  • The school is not responsible for goods lost. Therefore, it is not advisable to bring valuable articles like expensive watches, fountain pens, gold or silver ornaments, friendship bands, any other fads or too much money. Students are also advised not to leave any of the above in the class room or P.T. room.
  • Students are not permitted to wear any jewellery to school (e.g. chains, rings, bangles, bracelets etc.) Girls may wear one pair of small earrings or studs.


Middle School Investiture Ceremony

Leaders are not born but are made by their experiences in life.
The Middle School Investiture Ceremony of St Patrick's Academy, Bengaluru was held on 6th July, 2024 with great enthusiasm and dignity at the Delany Hall. The ceremony was presided over by the distinguished chief guest Dr.Fr. John Varghese Thekkekara, the Associate Director of St. John's Medical College Hospital, Bangalore, the superior of the school community Rev. Bro. Sylvanus, the Principal Rev. Bro. O.J Joseph, Rev. Bro.Berchmans, Rev. Bro. Jose, Rev. Bro. Soloman and Rev. Bro. George. The ceremony commenced with a solemn invocation, followed by the lighting of the lamp ceremony, setting a respectful and inspiring tone for the proceedings.
The newly elected members of classes II and VII were smartly dressed in their uniforms, marched to the stage with pride and confidence. Each member was presented with their badge, symbolizing their role and duties. The school head boy and head girl, along with other council members, took the oath of office, pledging to uphold the values and principles of the institution.
The investiture ceremony was a memorable occasion, instilling a sense of purpose and motivation in the newly elected leaders, preparing them to take on their responsibilities with dedication and enthusiasm.

Senior School Investiture Ceremony

An Investiture ceremony is a significant event that showcases the essence of leadership and responsibility. It is an occasion where deserving individuals are honoured and entrusted with the authority to lead and represent their respective roles.
On the 29th of June, 2024, the leadership responsibilities were passed on to the students of 11th and 12th, the fresh batch of 2024-25. To join us in this prestigious occasion, our Chief Guest Dr. Ramesh Kumar (IFS), Conservator of Forests (Project Tiger, Mysuru), in-charge for all the 5 Tiger Reserves of Karnataka, along with the Brothers and Novices, stepped into our ornate Delany Hall. A melodious prayer song sung by the school choir marked the start of the ceremony, followed by the lighting of the lamp, a captivating welcome dance and a welcome speech.
The Chief Guest presented badges to the Head Boy and the Head Girl, followed by the Head Prefects, the Sport Captains, the Captains and the Vice-captains of the four houses, Cultural and the Editorial committee after which the parents presented their elected wards with sashes, creating a proud and memorable moment for all. Subsequently, the NCC Cadets marched onto the stage in their crisp uniforms and ceremonials, presenting a disciplined and professional appearance.
An energetic and mesmerising dance performance by the senior boys and girls of our school marked the celebrations of the newly elected leaders, adding up to the festive atmosphere. To conclude this blessed occasion, the Head Boy, Melvin Saji, and the Head Girl, Catherine Rose, conveyed the vote of thanks to all present.

ICSE Class X Results 2023-24 - Science

Congratulations to our 8th batch of ICSE Science Patricians for scoring 100% results consecutively and making us proud.

1st Place:
Gunamay Dawar (98.6%)
Keerthana Rajesh Babu (98.6%)

2nd Place:
Preena Elz M.Joseph (98.2%)

3rd Place:
Carolyn Mary E (98%)

It's a moment of great excitement and pride that St. Patrick's Academy has yielded an excellent result in 2023–24 ICSE and ISC examination. Two tenth graders (ICSE) had scored 98.6% and another two secured 98.2% and 98%, as second and third respectively. Besides, it is noteworthy to mention that 47 students scored 100 out of 100 in various subjects.
In the commerce stream, the first position is 95.8%.
In ISC result, the highest percentage is 97.25%, followed by 95.75, and 93.75% as second and third respectively.