Security Measures of Child-Safety at St. Patrick’s Academy

The School believes that proper communication with parents is an important step towards ensuring proper safety and security of our kids. We have send circulars to all parents regarding measures adopted by the school as well as measures expected from their end. This document is one such reassurance on defining the procedures adopted for the safety of our children.

Students’ grievances may be referred to this committee comprising of representatives of the Management Committee, Parent Community and School Staff.

1) Parent ID Card:

The school has issued an ID card to all parents with photo of the student (child) and both the parents. The school advises all parents to bring these ID card(s) to collect their children from school. As a policy, the school ensures that all children up to standard III are handed over to parents at the end of the day by their class teachers.

In case, the parents are unable to come to collect their child and have assigned this task to one of their family members or a representative, the ID card should compulsorily be brought to school by them. The school also advises parents to inform the school office (over phone) about their absence and the subsequent arrangement being made.

2) Staff (teaching and non-teaching) ID cards:

All teachers and non-teaching at St. Patrick’s Academy are provided with ID cards. The drivers of the school bus are also provided with uniform and ID cards. The conductors of the school bus are all women staff and they are also provided with ID cards.

The school has verified the background of all bus drivers and conductors. Staff verification for all non teaching staff is performed with the help of Police. The school also maintains a record of these verification records for its internal verification.

3) Safety in Buses:

We have implemented GPRS technology in all school buses. The parents are sent SMS-s on the location of the bus, both, for safety and informative purpose. Parents are requested to bring the Parent ID card while collecting their children at the pickup points. This is especially compulsory when they send representatives for pick-up. Also request parents to inform the conductor well in advance about their decision to send a representative to collect the child.

4) Child-safety Measures at Campus:
  • CCTV Monitoring: CCTV cameras are fixed at all important locations of the school buildings as per expert advice, keeping in mind our children’s safety. The visuals are monitored continuously with regular backups for future reference.
  • Floor Vigilantes: The school management has appointed floor vigilant officers for each floor. These vigilantes are responsible for monitoring the activities of both staff and students in their respective floors. Specific instructions are provided to them to ensure the safety and security of our children.
  • Child-protection Committee: The management has appointed a child-protection committee with active participation from the management, staff and parents. This committee meets at regular intervals to discuss safety measures as well as emerging threats.
  • Adequate Staff: The school management has taken a conscious decision related to the adequacy of staff. Keeping in mind the safety and security of our children, we have increased the staff count, especially the women staff. Keeping in mind the recent developments, the appointment of male staff is discouraged in both regular and extra-curricular teaching.
  • No Dark Rooms: The school ensures that there will be no rooms without natural ventilation (both air and light). All staffs members are reminded about this policy at frequent intervals and periodic checks are conducted by the management.
5) Parents’ Responsibilities:
  • Drop and Pick-up Timings: Kindly do not bring your children to school before 8:00AM. And ensure your wards are picked up, at the latest, by 3:15 PM.
  • Parents ID Card: Ensure that the Parent ID cards are sent with the representatives (during your absence) for picking up your children, both, at school premise as well as at the Pick-up points for kids using the bus service. Inform the bus conductor/ driver about the representative in your absence.
  • Entry to Class-rooms: Please do not insist on going all the way to the class rooms, along with your children, after 8:20 AM. The school management has decided NOT to allow parents and visitors beyond the reception, during school hours. Your understanding and co-operation is very much requested.
  • Visitors Book: Parents and visitors are requested to maintain entries in the Visitors book maintained at the Security’s room at the entrance. Please register complete information in the book and limit your presence only till the Office and Reception, during working hours. You will not be allowed to visit your children in their classrooms during these hours. In case you want to meet or take your children on an emergency, please follow the instructions provided in the office/reception.
  • Entry and Exit: The school management will soon come out with the entry and exit gates for the school. Please ensure that you use the correct gates for entry/exit. Do not crowd the gates during peak hours and kindly co-operate with the security guards.
  • Traffic Regulation: The school welcomes volunteers to regulate traffic to ensure the safety of our children during peak hours (morning and evening). Please contact the office for volunteering. We request all parents to co-operate with the volunteers.
  • Traffic Rules: Parents are requested to follow traffic rules and set example for our children. Please do not travel on the wrong side of the road, which is a threat to you, your children and the general public.
  • Rumors: Please do not spread rumors. If you have any doubts/require clarifications, please contact the reception. Still if you need clarity, you can always contact the Principal. Assumptions based on rumors should be avoided.


Middle School Investiture Ceremony

Leaders are not born but are made by their experiences in life.
The Middle School Investiture Ceremony of St Patrick's Academy, Bengaluru was held on 6th July, 2024 with great enthusiasm and dignity at the Delany Hall. The ceremony was presided over by the distinguished chief guest Dr.Fr. John Varghese Thekkekara, the Associate Director of St. John's Medical College Hospital, Bangalore, the superior of the school community Rev. Bro. Sylvanus, the Principal Rev. Bro. O.J Joseph, Rev. Bro.Berchmans, Rev. Bro. Jose, Rev. Bro. Soloman and Rev. Bro. George. The ceremony commenced with a solemn invocation, followed by the lighting of the lamp ceremony, setting a respectful and inspiring tone for the proceedings.
The newly elected members of classes II and VII were smartly dressed in their uniforms, marched to the stage with pride and confidence. Each member was presented with their badge, symbolizing their role and duties. The school head boy and head girl, along with other council members, took the oath of office, pledging to uphold the values and principles of the institution.
The investiture ceremony was a memorable occasion, instilling a sense of purpose and motivation in the newly elected leaders, preparing them to take on their responsibilities with dedication and enthusiasm.

Senior School Investiture Ceremony

An Investiture ceremony is a significant event that showcases the essence of leadership and responsibility. It is an occasion where deserving individuals are honoured and entrusted with the authority to lead and represent their respective roles.
On the 29th of June, 2024, the leadership responsibilities were passed on to the students of 11th and 12th, the fresh batch of 2024-25. To join us in this prestigious occasion, our Chief Guest Dr. Ramesh Kumar (IFS), Conservator of Forests (Project Tiger, Mysuru), in-charge for all the 5 Tiger Reserves of Karnataka, along with the Brothers and Novices, stepped into our ornate Delany Hall. A melodious prayer song sung by the school choir marked the start of the ceremony, followed by the lighting of the lamp, a captivating welcome dance and a welcome speech.
The Chief Guest presented badges to the Head Boy and the Head Girl, followed by the Head Prefects, the Sport Captains, the Captains and the Vice-captains of the four houses, Cultural and the Editorial committee after which the parents presented their elected wards with sashes, creating a proud and memorable moment for all. Subsequently, the NCC Cadets marched onto the stage in their crisp uniforms and ceremonials, presenting a disciplined and professional appearance.
An energetic and mesmerising dance performance by the senior boys and girls of our school marked the celebrations of the newly elected leaders, adding up to the festive atmosphere. To conclude this blessed occasion, the Head Boy, Melvin Saji, and the Head Girl, Catherine Rose, conveyed the vote of thanks to all present.

ICSE Class X Results 2023-24 - Science

Congratulations to our 8th batch of ICSE Science Patricians for scoring 100% results consecutively and making us proud.

1st Place:
Gunamay Dawar (98.6%)
Keerthana Rajesh Babu (98.6%)

2nd Place:
Preena Elz M.Joseph (98.2%)

3rd Place:
Carolyn Mary E (98%)

It's a moment of great excitement and pride that St. Patrick's Academy has yielded an excellent result in 2023–24 ICSE and ISC examination. Two tenth graders (ICSE) had scored 98.6% and another two secured 98.2% and 98%, as second and third respectively. Besides, it is noteworthy to mention that 47 students scored 100 out of 100 in various subjects.
In the commerce stream, the first position is 95.8%.
In ISC result, the highest percentage is 97.25%, followed by 95.75, and 93.75% as second and third respectively.